


Recently Published

SE_PS sample size
MMRM from lme4 contrast
how to get contrast difference from lme4 because fit_mmrm() has default interaction.
extra data explore with dataxray package
MMRM and forest plot
Patient Profile
Line plot with table
Line plot with table under xaxis
AE plot with auto batch loop for each subject ID
AE plot with auto batch loop for each subject ID
CDC line plot
CDC line plot with dynamic position of label for each line
different adjustment of watermarks on ggplotly
ANCOVA from tern R package
how to quickly do ANCOVA for a set of variables quickly (loop) with tern R package
gt nanoplot for investigation
interactive table
interactive table can show detailed dataset or plot for frequency
Quarto presentation test
Quarto presentation test
easy data wrangling
plots with statistics
plots with statistics
one sample proportion power calculation
different ways to calculate power for one sample proportion test
MA3MA5 stock analysis
MA3MA5 stock analysis
interactive KM plot
produce interactive KM plot
Meta analysis for Clinic Study
simple meta analysis with R in Clinic study
LB value status tracing
to see if LB value from subject changes status or not along timeline
show on treatment, off treatment, treatment restarted along time points
CART with VisNetwork
decision tree with VisNetwork package
r2d3 simple example
utilize D3.js in R by using r2d3 package
Advanced dynamic heatmap
dynamic heatmap with more customized features by using highcharter
Dynamic single color Bar plot
it is tricky to create dynamic single color bar plot with geom_tile
Survival Analysis III
stratified cox proportional hazards model what is stratification. what is the assumption for stratified variable. Is interaction needed in model
dynamic bar chart
very tricky. geom_bar does not work well with subgroup. geom_tile is used to trick the plot
Plotly dynamic scatter plot
Survival Analysis II
Survival Analysis I
Dynamic change of heat map
Dynamic change of heat map
Run SAS inside Rstudio
TLF with contents
extra content table added
TFL examples
Table, Figure list examples for clinic study
ARIMAGarch forcast AAPL
ARMAGarch forcast stock direction
SVM prediction
strategy 1 with 25 width
QCOM strategy 1
Find Peak Valley on curve
Find Peak Valley on curve
52 weeks Low simplified
52week low
check 52 week low/high for each stock (252 business days)
52weeks/252 days low
tidyquant exercise
test import excel
test import excel
NLP example
newspaper NLP
Black Friday Prediction large data using H2O
visualization exploring
A better scatterplot with marginals
A better scatterplot with marginals
ECG Anomaly Detection
using deep autoencoder learning model
DeepLearning Examples
Fine Tuning GBM example
h2o glm prediction model small exercises
a lot of small dataset and exercises for h2o glm model
Predicting forest cover type from cartographic variables only
Predicting forest cover type from cartographic variables only (no remotely sensed data).
data.table examples
data.table package examples
medical expense linear regression prediction
medical expense cost prediction example exercise from book Machine Learning in R