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PCA Loading Examples, from Top 500 US analysis
Sample large cap stocks (Tech, Airlines, Energy, Banking)
PCA Risk Decomposition, Top 500 US Stocks
500 day rolling EWMA correlation estimation, 30d volatility adjustment
Cumulative Hourly Returns, Select Universe, 2/18/25
CO_Petrol, CO_Grains, CO_Beans, Crypto, CO_Precious
Cross-Sectional Regression on Daily Returns for US Stocks (T-stats) with AI thematic features
US stock universe: Top 1200. Daily returns are volatility adjusted, PC1-3 are first 3 principal components from a 3yr daily covariance matrix. Consensus Wts are an average of "artificial intelligence" thematic ETFs, with non-consensus wts for each ETF being the difference in holdings vs consensus
ETI Backtest, Sept 2018 - Jan 2024
Standard 5 tier signal, 20bps TCs, signal rebalanced weekly/biweekly/monthly. Cash portfolio int rate = 0
BTI Backtest, Jan 2018 - Jan 2024
Standard 5 tier signal, 20bps TCs, signal rebalanced weekly/biweekly/monthly. Cash portfolio int rate = 0
ETI Backtest, Sept 2018 - Jan 2024
Standard 5 tier signal, 20bps TCs, signal rebalanced weekly/biweekly/monthly. Cash portfolio int rate = 0
ETI Weekly/BiWeekly/Monthly Backtest: July 2018 - Jan 2024
20bps transaction costs, simplified signal: up trends 1, down trends 0, neutral 0.5; signal rebalanced on Wednesdays
BTI Weekly/BiWeekly/Monthly Backtest: Jan 2018 - Jan 2024
20bps transaction costs, simplified signal: up trends 1, down trends 0, neutral 0.5; signal rebalanced on Wednesdays
Backcast of CoinDesk 20 with broad CMI universe, 1/2020 - 11/2023
2Step position constraint approaches allow for 2 different weights for Tier 1, Tier 2 position concentrations
CoinDesk20 2-Stage Tiered Wts: 20% / 15% limits
Portfolio Weights over time
Bitcoin signal research
Conditioning Mean Reversion strategies on the Bitcoin Trend Indicator. If BTI values are <0.5, allow short term reversal strategies to trade. Otherwise 0 out in the event BTI is 0.5 or 1 values
Daily ETF Backtest Weights, Tiingo data; 9/12/2023
Portfolio optimized constraints: +/- 0.3 beta to S&P500, 10yr Bond, gross leverage 4x, position limits by asset based on long term volatility.
Daily ETF Backtest, Tiingo data; 9/12/2023
Optimized portfolio of forecasts vs next period return and position level attribution. Portfolio optimized constraints: +/- 0.3 beta to S&P500, 10yr Bond, gross leverage 4x, position limits by asset based on long term volatility. T1 is 1day implementation trading lag, T2 is 2day lag.
RV Backtest: BTC, ETH, ADA, BCH, LTC basket
5bps TCs, 2 period signal lag, 100% gross weights
RV Backtest: BTC, ETH, ADA, BCH basket
5bps TCs, 2 period signal lag, 100% gross weights
RV Backtest: BTC, ETH, ADA basket
5bps TCs, 2 period signal lag, 100% gross weights
RV Backtest: BTC + ADA basket
5bps TCs, 2 period signal lag, 100% gross weights
RV Backtest: ETH + ADA basket
5bps TCs, 2 period signal lag, 100% gross weights
RV Backtest: BTC + ETH basket
5bps TCs, 2 period signal lag, 100% gross weights
Long/short overlay based on correlation rank of ARP strategies against 60/40 benchmark portfolio
Crypto Market PCA Factor Decomp
realized_vol_window <- 60
PCA_Cov_EMWA_window <- 24*30
1hr returns
EWMA Coviance
Backtest Weight Comparison
Internal R code vs Springworks Python
Sector ETF Model Comparisons vs SP 500 market
Comparison of long only Sector ETF model (implied by Shalom Global weights provided) versus internally generated strategy utilizing Momentum / Reversal / Value / Low Beta signals versus SP500 ETF
Sector ETF Model Comparison
Comparison of long only Sector ETF model implied by Shalom Global weights sent versus internally generated strategy utilizing Momentum / Reversal / Value / Low Beta signals
Shalom Global Model Return Contributions
Return contributions by underlying ETF proxies. Sector model has dominated performance over period, while Bond (AGG) and international equity (EFA) allocations have underperformed
Vor1 Model Positions
% of Capital Weights over time, Vor1 103121 model
Crypto L1 Alts Token Strategy Backtest: Current vs Revised
Comparison of 08-04-21 Algo with 10-13-21 revision
Crypto L1 Token Strategy
Strategy signal blend across daily, 6hr, 1hr, 15min signals across BTC, ETH, ADA, LTC, BCH, DASH, ZEC tokens. Transaction costs tested at 0 - 2bps
Bloomberg/Galaxy Crypto Index with Quant Overlay, Active Weights
Active strategy does not short crypto assets, minimum weight is 0%, maximum weight is 2x index weight
Jan 2021 Bloomberg/Galaxy weights:
Bitcoin: 20%
Ethereum: 20%
Litecoin: 9%
Bitcoin Cash: 8%
EOS: 3%
Bloomberg/Galaxy Crypto Index with Active Quant Overlay
Hypothetical performance of Bloomberg/Galaxy Crypto Index with active quant strategy overlay.
Annual Returns
BBG/Galaxy: 126%
Active Fund Hypothetical: 177%
Alpha TE: 51%
Risk Adjusted Performance (Return per Volatility)
BBG/Galaxy: 1.46
Active Fund Hypothetical: 1.91
Alpha TE: 1.53
Weekly Correlations of Bitcoin with broad asset classes
Bitcoin has shown empirically to be a source of diversified returns, with weekly correlations within (+/-) 0.4 across liquid multi-asset benchmarks, since 2015.
There's been a notable increase in correlation between Bitcoin and the S&P 500, Gold and the US Dollar (decrease) after the March 2020 market drop. This could potentially be explained by the increase of institutional investment into Bitcoin, in response to the increased fiscal and monetary support for the economy during the COVID-19 epidemic.
(Source: BTCUSD data from CoinMarketCap; Broad asset class proxies from Yahoo Finance; Weekly return correlations calculated using EWMA smoother, 26w half-life)
Regression T-stats for 2.5km GPS block residual model, 11/17/20
Regions include CA, OR, WA, NV, AZ, CO and HI
House Pricing Model T-Stats
From 200k home price sales (primarily from CA). School index is from 2011 year, weather data from 1990
Current Trading Signals, Friday Oct 23rd 2020 UPDATED
found a bug in the previous published chart
Natural Gas (UNG ETF) Slow signal, 10/23/2020
Slow signal (10d horizon), 10/23/2020
Natural Gas (UNG ETF) Fast signal, 10/23/2020
Current signal (1d horizon) for 10/23/2020
Current Trading Signals, Friday Oct 23rd 2020
Current positioning of directional signals