

Reuben Anderson

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2024 Temperatures for room 205 from '2022' NuAire logger data
Freezer number '2022' logger data used to plot ambient AND freezer internal temperature in Celcius to visualize changes over time for current year to date.
2022 Room 205 temperature
Temperatures in room 205 during 2022, ambient and freezer internal temperatures.
2023 Room 205 temperature
Temperatures in room 205 during 2023, ambient and freezer internal temperatures.
2023 Room 104 temperature
Temperatures in room 104 during 2023, ambient and freezer internal temperatures.
Freezer104 internal temperature 2023
Freezer room 104 internal temperature in year 2023 from NuAire ultra-low temperature data logger. Temperature was reset to a higher temperature late in the year as shown on the graph to make it easier on compressors.
Freezer104 ambient 2023
Freezer 104 ambient temperature for year 2023 from NuAire ultra-low freezer data logger
Freezer205 internal temperature 2023
Internal temperature of freezer 205 during 2023 time period
Freezer205 ambient 2023
Ambient temp freezer for 2023
NOAA Dataset of Storm Events for J. Hopkins R Course Capstone
NOAA Dataset on severe weather events across the United States is used to calculate which are most harmful to population health and to economical health. All coding was left making the markdown messy but informative.
Histogram of Heart Attack Frequency
R programming assignment looking into Medicare Hospital outcome measures
Linear regression #2 completed from university course
This is a copy for me of work done on a University course. Please do not cheat and use my copy for a quick and easy way out of the work. This re-establishes lessons learned for histogram programming and other basic R programming skills along with introducing linear regression and multiple linear regression modeling.
Moneyball assignment week3 regression class Duke U
Programming lab assignment on regression and how to use that as the Harvard baseball analyst did to evaluate variation in runs based on one of three new variables of which "on base plus slugging percentage" was one that explained almost 95% of the variance of the runs variable. Multiple regression plot graphs are in the document
Seurat tutorial using PBMC cells
Seurat tutorial from the website knitted together on RStudio. I merely went through the markdown file provided on the website. The data was from 2700 single cells sequenced on Illumina Nextseq 500
Plot distemper data set on Google satellite map
Plot setup in Sheri Sanders R for Biologists course
Biplot of mtcars data using PC1 and PC2
mtcars dataset taken from Sheri Sanders course for biologists in R
Sequence window start point vs. CpGoe
Dengue sequence from class put into 6 windows of sequence in blocks of 1789 bases. Windows of sequence had CpGoe calculated and form the Y axis.
biplot of 18 microbiome human samples
biplot of 18 microbiome human samples with samples being human sequence data and variables being phyla of bacteria in the gut adhering to FOCUS profile of each bacteria phylum
First Plot
points function plot of data