

David McCabe

Recently Published

Bayesian Updating: Conjugate Priors
Catalogue of examples showing priors and their conjugates
a notebook
Bayesian Updating with Continuous Priors
reference notes
Bayesian Updating with Discrete Priors
simple example for reference
Reminder: Joint Probability Distributions
marginal probabilities etc...
Reminder: Central Limit Theorem
reminder and derivation of the central limit theorem
Catalogue of Continuous Probability Distributions
keeping reminder notes
Catalogue of Discrete Probability Distributions
Catalogue of Probability Distributions and information about them
Descriptive Summary Statistics
Reminder, raw & central moments, quantiles, percentiles, modes, etc... any details which are easily forgotten
Reference: Discrete Probability:
Summary notes for quick reminder regarding: - Moments of Random variables - List of prototypical discrete probability problems
Exploratory Analysis Guide
personal checklist to keep me straight as I build good habits
Reminder: Principle Component Analysis
Covers PCA commands in R for projection onto a subspace
Colours in R
Notes about colours for plotting functions
ggplot2: An Overview
personal notes on ggplot2
Introduction to data.table
personal notes on data.table
Reminder: K Means Clustering
Overview of K Means Clustering commands in R
Reminder: Hierarchical Clustering
Summary of Hierarchical Clustering in R