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Actividad 131
Association Rules
Customer Segmentation and Market Basket Analysis: Leveraging Unsupervised Learning for Targeted Marketing and Product Recommendations
This project explores unsupervised learning techniques to segment customers and identify associations between purchased products. Using a publicly available dataset containing demographic and transactional data, clustering algorithms (K-Means, DBSCAN, hierarchical clustering) and dimensionality reduction methods (PCA, UMAP) are applied to group customers based on behavioral patterns. Association rule mining (Apriori, Eclat) is employed to detect frequently co-purchased items. The results demonstrate the utility of these techniques for generating actionable insights without relying on predefined labels.
Apriori Algorithm - Finding Association Rules of Preferable Movies
Final paper on association rules to pass Unsupervised Learning at the University of Warsaw
Evaluacion de la oferta inmoliaria urbana
Este informe final detalla todo el proceso de análisis integral, las conclusiones y las recomendaciones estratégicas para la evaluación de la oferta inmobiliaria urbana.
Body weight and life-style patterns
the paper shows lifestyle patterns by using association rules