

Kevin Roche

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Leaflet Practice
Weight Lifting ML Prediction
The following analysis uses data from the accelerometers on the belt, forearm, arm, and dumbbell to predict the class of the 20 participants in the test set after training on the 13,737 participants in the training set. Two prediction techniques, Decision Trees and XGBoost, are used to predict the manner in which the participants in the test set performed the exercise.
CLT Simulation & Guinea Pig Tooth Growth Analysis
The following analysis is broken into two sections: 1. The first section is a simulation exercise that illustrates the central limit theorem. 2. The second section analyzes the ToothData dataset, which contains information on the odontoblast length of 60 guinea pigs and how it varies with their daily dosage of Vitamin C and the method with which it is delivered. T-tests and multiple linear regression are used to determine the effect that daily dosage and delivery method have on odontoblast length.
Severe Weather Analysis
Using data from the U.S. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), the following data analysis determines which weather events have been the most harmful to the US population from an economic and health perspective.