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Linear regression interpretation
Only interpretation of several linear regression models
Covid Impact on wages bellow 430BAM
The data presents what happened with the paid salaries by companies registered in FBiH and employees that have a residence in FBiH. The data was extracted by the Federal tax office (PUF) on 14.09.2020.
This dashboard was made for PREMISA
Cross-tabulation and excel output at once
How to cross tabulate the entire dataframe at once (for categrical and numerical variable) and to have it saved in spreadsheets.
proba plotly
Draft dokument u R markdown sa nekim uobicajenim stavkama
Manipulacije u R-u
U ovom Markdown draft dokumentu prikazane su osnovne manipulacije u R sa vektorima i data.framovima.
Prvi cas
Vizualizacija u R-u
Figures uz pomoc ggplot2