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Carleton pitch
Slideshow pitch for word prediction app
Carleton Capstone pitch
Slideshow pitch for Coursera Capstone word prediction application project
Carleton slideshow
Pitch for Capstone word prediction project
Data Analysis for Capstone Project - Milestone Report
Report documenting exploratory data analysis of the word contents of the supplied Twitter, blog, and news text files.
Week 3 Assignment
RPubs web page of "Building Data Products" week 3 assignment, with interactive 3-D plot of mtcars data.
Pitch Presentation for Gamma PDF Tool
The "reproducible pitch" portion of the Developing Data Products course project assignment.
Reproducible Pitch Presentation - JC99
This is the "reproducible pitch" part of the Building Data Products Course Project: Shiny Application and Reproducible Pitch
Building Data Proorducts - week 3 assignment
Use of Plotly to Visualize mtcars Data in Three-plus Dimensions
Data Products Course - week 2 project
Interactive map of stream sampling locations in New Hampshire and Vermont
Storm Damage Analysis Course Project
An Analysis of The Most Damaging and Dangerous Storm Types in the U.S.