

Amita Sharma

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Manoj Website
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BAA Block 1
Gapminder Dashboard
Multiple Regression Model - Predicting Sales
Companies spend money on advertising methods like TV, Radio, Social Media, Influencers to promote sales. This dashboard shows end-to-end workflow to build a predictive machine learning model.
Data Science Paper
MWP Act in Policy
Covid World Updates
Covid World Updates
R Flexdashboard for COVID World Updates with next 90-day forecasts
Exploratory Factor Analysis
Exploratory Factor Analysis is an unsupervised learning technique to unearth the underpaying patterns, grouping of the data and identifying the latent variables
Introduction to Machine Learning
Machine Learning Overview
Logistic and Stepwise Regression
The R Flexdashboard to explain the Logistic Regression and Stepwise Regression in R
Regression Analysis
Regression Analysis is the first technique of Machine Learning. Let us understand it in better way with this Flexdashbaord
Customer Churn Analysis with Survival Models
Customer Churn is a big problem in telecom companies. Survival Models are effective tools to understand the underlying factors of Customer Churn. This R Flexdashboard showcases the application of Survival Models in Customer Churn Analysis on data of a telecom company.
Understanding Employee Attrition with Survival Analysis in R
Employee Attrition is a big headache for HR Management. The Survival Analysis is a very powerful tool to understand the Employee Attrition phenomena. This flexdashboard showcases the application of Survival Analysis for Employee Attrition.
Survival Analysis of Medical Case Studies in R
This R Flexdashboard showcases the application of survival analysis models ( Kaplan Meier Model, Cox Proportional hazard Model, and Random Forest Model) on the datasets of heart transplant patients, ovarian cancer patients, cervical cancer patients, and primary biliary cirrhosis patients.
Indian Agriculture Exports Regions 2019-2020
The R Flexdashboard showcases the agriculture exports of India with South African Customs Union, ASEAN countries, European Union and North Americas countries in Apr 2019-Dec2019
Resume Scanning is a big headache for the recruiters and organizations, This Machine Learning Application uses the Jaccard Similarity Index for matching the resume with the job description.
Forecasting Nifty50 with Prophet
The dashboard exhibits how to predict Nifty50 future values with Facebook's Prophet Package in R
Indian Agriculture 1997-2015
Indian Agriculture Flexdashboard Using Data Provided by