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Gravity's Rainbow summary
As an exercise using quarto-closeread
Ejemplo 1 - Plotly
Recordatorio 1 para incorporar gráficos interactivos a proyectos.
Groepsproject DAS
Analisis Kluster Data SUSENAS Maret 2019 (KOR)
Analisis Data SUSENAS Maret 2019 (KOR) -- Soal Nomor 6 UAS Metode Multivariat
Advanced Medical Insurance Cost Prediction Model II
The cost of medical care significantly impacts both healthcare providers and patients. This project aims to explore the predictive utility of patient features captured by an insurance firm to estimate the annual cost of medical care. The dataset used is the publicly available Medical Cost Personal dataset from Kaggle, containing information on 1338 beneficiaries and 7 variables, including the target variable: medical costs billed by health insurance in a year.In this study, we aim to build upon previous work by applying advanced techniques to improve the accuracy of predictions and enhance model interpretability.
Interactive Game
Formulas for Bivariate Analysis
This sheet deals specifically with formulas for linear models and related bivariate analyses. Material related to categorical data will be published elsewhere.
Control Chart Factors
Control Chart Factors, also known as control chart constants, are critical components used in the creation and interpretation of control charts in statistical process control (SPC). These factors help in calculating control limits and other chart parameters, ensuring that the process variability is accurately monitored.
Testing Proportions With R
The prop.test function in R is used to perform a test of proportions. It allows you to test whether the proportions in one or more groups are equal to specified values or whether the proportions in two or more groups are equal. This function is often used in hypothesis testing to compare proportions in different samples.
Chi Square Test for Independence
Critical Values for Chi Square Test