

Mahesh Gurumoorthi

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Machinelearning Prediction Assignment Write Up
Coursera Machine Learning Assignment
Decision Tree using Rattle Package
Sample Iris decision tree using rattle package
Shiny Application Reproducible Pitch
Shiny Application Reproducible Pitch
Volcano View
Plotly using volcano dataset
Leaflet - University View
Leaflet package is used to create google maps
Leaflet - Market Area
Gold Stock Price Descriptive Analysis
Business Case : Provide the gold price using descriptive methods and show it using ROC view point (Data View Plotted from 2017 onwards)
Employee Organisation
Explains about the organisation
GDP Percapita - Plotly R
GDP Percapita Using Plotly package with inbuild gapminder package
Country Vaccination Plot Descriptive Analysis
Descriptive Analysis using ggplot package
Text Mining - Movie Reviews
Text Mining - OTT Movie Reviews
Forecasting Of Unemployment Rate in USA for the next 50 years
Below methods are used statistically for Benchmark purpose Seasonal Naive Model Fit ETS Model ARIMA model
RFM Analysis for E- Commerce Data Set
This gives the detailed analysis about customers with respect to purchase
RFM Analysis for E- Commerce Data Set
This plot gives the frequency of each customers and clustered into loyal vs not satisfied customers
Uber Analysis
Uber Analysis
Learning Project
Uber Analysis
Learning purpose
Uber Analysis
This data analysis is taken from the website data flair and this is only for learning purpose.
Month Wise Absenteism Using Box Plot and Notch
data = read.csv("F://Sample CSV Files for statistics//Absenteeism_work.csv",header = T) > head(data) ID Reason.for.absence Month.of.absence Day.of.the.week Seasons Age 1 11 26 7 3 1 33 4 2 36 0 7 3 1 50 0 3 3 23 7 4 1 38 2 4 7 7 7 5 1 39 4 5 11 23 7 5 1 33 2 6 3 23 7 6 1 38 NA > boxplot(factor,data$,notch = T, xlab = "Month", ylab = "Time of Absenteism")
Histogram of Growth rate in Diaphenia