

Don Allen

Recently Published

DCA Project Three: More Global Warming plus Tableau Public
Added to project two scatterplots with some basic attempts in Tableau Public
Project Two: Global Warming Redux
Tried to add Plotly with limited success
Week 10 Polio Heatmaps: DSLabs and Direct from Tycho Database
I registered with Project Tycho and downloaded their data file. It was considerably different from the one saved as DSLabs.
Week 10 DSLabs Polio Heatmap
Changed data from measles to polio. Made minor cosmetic adjustments to the heatmap.
Week 9 GIS Tutorial
Almost made it through step 5.
Week 8 Movie Website
Webscraping from imdb website
wk 7 chart 2 mutated correctly
Best I could do with chart 2 - even with cheating in Excel.
Week seven, Homework chart one - China's Rise
Project One: Global Warming Per Capita
GDP and Carbon Dioxide Emissions per capita From data found at
week 5 hate crimes BEFORE adding my own plot
Submitting this first in case I lose everything when attempting to add my own plot.
NBA heatmap - week 3
NBA heatmap - week 3
wk 2 hw
wk 1 actually worked